
Sandholm  Holiday Cottage                    The Scottish Borders.

Self Catering Holiday Cottage                     Newcastleton                      Liddlesdale

Sandholm Self Catering Holiday Cottage               Newcastleton             Scottish Borders        TD9 0SA

Hermitage castle

Jedburgh Abbey


Jedburgh Abbey was established as a priory of Augustinian canons around 1138 and was raised to abbey status around 1154. The abbey’s location close to the border with England inevitably brought it into the conflict between the two countries The abbey was evacuated during the wars of Independence in the 14th century and further attacks in the continued up to its destruction as part of the Reformation in 1545.

· More details...Historic Scotland




Kelso Abbey


Founded in 1128 by Cistercian monks the Abbey was one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in the Borders. It took its place in Scottish history as the largest and richest Abbey in Scotland. Its destruction in 1545 left very limited remains.


· More details...Historic Scotland










Dryburgh Abbey

Established in 1150 for the Augustinian Monks and situated on a very scenic stretch of the famous River Tweed, Dryburgh became the premier house of the Premonstratentian Order in Scotland. Dryburgh is the final resting place of many famous Borderers such as Sir Walter Scott, The Earl of Buchan, and Earl Haig, and is steeped in Scottish heritage.

It was finally attacked and abandoned in 1544.

· More details...Historic Scotland








Melrose Abbey

Melrose Abbey which was built by the Cistercian Monks in 1136 This was to become a very wealthy monastery but it was completely destroyed by Richard II in 1385. The ruins visible todayform part of the 15th Century Gothic Abbey that replaced the earlier monastery.

Border Abbeys

Jedburgh AbbeyKelso AbbeyDryburgh AbbeyMelrose Abbey

The wall was built in A.D. 122 after the visit of the emperor Hadrian, who was inspecting far frontiers of the Roman Empire and wanted to construct a dramatic line between the empire and the barbarians. Legionnaires were ordered to build a wall across the width of the island of Britain, stretching 118km (73 miles), beginning at the North Sea and ending at the Irish Sea.

The wall is one of Europe's top Roman ruins. .

· More details...Hadrians Wall

· More details...Hadrians Wall Country


Hadrians Wall

Hadrians Wall  Cawfields

Standing strongly in the city it has dominated for nine centuries, Carlisle Castle was a constantly updated working fortress until well within living memory. The earliest castle was of earth and timber, raised by King William Rufus in c.1092. During the following century it was refortified in stone, possibly by Henry 1.

The 12thC stone keep is the oldest surviving structure in the castle, which was frequently updated as befitted a stronghold always in the front line of Anglo-Scottish warfare. The rounded 'shot-deflecting' battlements of the keep were added when Henry V11 adapted the castle for artillery in c. 1540.

Mary Queen of Scots was confined here after her flight from Scotland in 1568.

Carlisle played its part in the English Civil War. Besieged for eight months by Parliament's Scots allies, its Royalist garrison surrended in 1645 only after eating rats and even their dogs. A century later in 1746, the castle became the last English fortress ever to suffer a siege, when Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite garrison vainly attempted to hold off the Duke of Cumberland's Hanoverian army.

· More details...English Heritage


Carlisle Castle

Carlisle Castle